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23rd Jan 2024

What does Martin Lewis think of equity release in 2024?

Martin Lewis doesn’t explicitly recommend equity release, but it may be right in some circumstances. We explore what he thinks & his top tips on equity release.

08th Jan 2023

Equity release and the cost of living crisis in 2023

As the cost of living crisis bites, equity release may provide a financial lifeline for over 55s with enough equity in their homes

10th Jan 2022

2022 A Good Year For Equity Release?

Thinking about releasing equity from your home in 2022? Get the lowdown on why equity release is rising in popularity again.

How much can I get?

How much equity can you release from your home? You can usually release between 29%-55%, depending on your circumstances. Use our calculator to see.

Is equity release safe?

Is equity release safe? Learn about the safeguards and strict codes of conduct that providers and advisers must follow to protect consumers’ interests.

Pros and cons of equity release

What are the pros & cons of equity release? Alongside the benefits, there are some important ‘catches’ to consider before deciding if it's right for you.

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