Equity release companies - 2025 reviews

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equity release companies

What are the best equity release companies in 2025?

*Last reviewed August 2024*

We understand that releasing equity from your home is a big decision. So to help you find the best equity release company for your needs, our reviews include some helpful insights into what some of the leading companies in the UK offer. Please note that we only ever review companies that are members of the Equity Release Council and are authorised by the Financial Conduct Authority (FCA).

  1. Age Partnership
  2. Aviva
  3. Canada Life
  4. Crown Equity Release
  5. Just
  6. Legal & General
  7. LV=
  8. Nationwide
  9. OneFamily
  10. Pure Retirement
  11. SunLife
  12. Saga

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What we cover in our equity release reviews

The services offered by each equity release company will vary, so it’s important to get advice from a qualified equity release specialist. Our equity release reviews are intended to give you clear and straightforward information on:

  • The company’s history and reputation
  • Any awards or accolades they have won
  • The choice of equity release products they offer
  • The company's eligibility requirements – e.g. how old you need to be, the value of your home
  • The latest interest rates on offer

Also included are any extra details we believe might be useful for you to know to help you make the decision that's best for you. If you want to know how much equity you could release from your home, use our free and easy-to-use calculator for a quick quote.

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Top equity release companies reviewed

Age Partnership

Age Partnership is a specialist, independent equity release broker that compares all types of equity release schemes on offer and is The Times Money Mentor's accredited broker. Their reputation and presence have enabled them to negotiate preferential rates that may not be available elsewhere.

Read our Age Partnership review


Aviva offers a choice of two Moneyfacts 5-star rated lifetime mortgages. A lump sum mortgage lets you release a lump sum upfront with the option to borrow more later on, and a flexible mortgage with the added benefit of a cash reserve to draw on in the future.

Read our Aviva review

Canada Life

Canada Life equity release schemes offer a cash reserve facility allowing you to draw down cash when required and an inheritance guarantee that ensures your family receives a percentage of your estate. In addition, some Canada Life lifetime mortgages let you make interest repayments or repay a percentage of the loan.

Read our Canada Life review

Crown Equity Release

Crown is an equity release specialist and is very flexible about which kind of property it will consider and will often accept homes that other lenders would refuse.

Read our Crown review

Just (formerly Just Retirement)

Just offer a lifetime mortgage that lets you release a one-off lump sum or an initial lump sum and extra cash when you need it. You can also pay off some or all of the monthly interest if you wish.  This mortgage is only available through professional advisers, including HUB Financial Solutions, which is part of the Just Group.

Read our Just review

Legal & General

Legal & General offers three Moneyfacts 5-star rated lifetime mortgages. A flexible mortgage that lets you draw down money as and when you need it, a repayment option that lets you repay some or all of the monthly interest and an income option, that lets you receive a monthly income over 10,15,20 or 25 years.

Read our Legal & General review

LV= (formerly Liverpool Victoria)

LV= also offers an equity release advice service in association with Age Partnership as well as two of its own Defaqto and Moneyfacts 5-star rated lifetime mortgages. One that lets you release a lump sum upfront and a drawdown mortgage with the option to draw cash as and when you need it.

Read our LV= review


Nationwide no longer offers equity release to new customers but continues to service their later life borrowers. They also have a team of mortgage consultants who advise on Nationwide’s own products and services.

Read our Nationwide review


OneFamily offers two lifetime mortgages. One that lets you pay off some or all of the interest each month, and one that lets you repay a proportion of the outstanding loan each year without incurring an early repayment charge. OneFamily also has its own advice service that compares lifetime mortgages from across the whole market.

Read our OneFamily review

Pure Retirement

Pure Retirement equity release is available through IFAs and brokers. Their Heritage and Sovereign schemes offer market-leading rates, repayment options and drawdown facilities. In addition, the Sovereign range of Pure Retirement equity release schemes offers greater flexibility regarding the type of property the loan is secured against.

Read our Pure Retirement review


SunLife offers equity release to its customers through its partnership with Standard Life.

Read our SunLife review


Next steps

Once you’ve read our reviews, why not see how much cash you could unlock from your home with our easy-to-use equity release calculator. It’s completely free and there’s no obligation to proceed.

You must seek professional advice from an equity release specialist before making a decision. However, please be aware that some advisers will only look at plans from one or two providers, and those providers may not offer the right product for your situation. That's why it could be worth speaking to a qualified equity release adviser who looks at a wider range of companies, like Age Partnership.  Call 0800 368 8466 for advice on releasing equity from your home.

Finally, please don't move forward before you've investigated the alternatives to equity release and make sure you understand exactly what you will be committing to before discussing your plans with your family.

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Equity release criteria

Are you eligible for equity release? Take a look at the equity release criteria you may need to meet to qualify for a lifetime mortgage.

Costs, fees & charges

Everything you need to know about the costs involved in arranging equity release. See a breakdown of equity release costs and find out how much you could get.

What does Martin Lewis think of equity release in 2024?

Martin Lewis doesn’t explicitly recommend equity release, but it may be right in some circumstances. We explore what he thinks & his top tips on equity release.

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Age Partnership

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Equity Release Council

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Over 50 Choices

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Our aim is to provide you with clear and accurate information to help you research your chosen financial products and services. The material on this site is for general information only and does not constitute any form of advice or recommendation.

If a link has an * by it, it means it is an affiliated link to an insurance company or broker that may result in a payment to the site. Should you use the equity release calculator, speak to an Age Partnership adviser and take out a plan out using their services, we receive a commission, however this will not affect the price you pay.

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We do not investigate the solvency of any company mentioned on our website and are not responsible for the content on websites we link to.

Simply Equity Release is a member of the Equity Release Council and part of the Over50choices Group who is regulated by the FCA (No.594280) for insurance products.